

This document exists as a set of guiding principles that underly the application of hybrid work — not as an absolute directive. Every hybrid organization should apply the principles in a way that best serves their people and goals.

We are at a crossroads in time. The way humanity works has changed forever. The tools for how many people work are now available anywhere, and we no longer need to commute to access them. At the same time, coming together in person has real, meaningful benefits when it comes to accomplishing shared goals and connecting as human beings.

While it is true that work can happen everywhere, it doesn’t mean that work should happen everywhere. Teams that place themselves in the optimum environment for delivering quality work will have a significant advantage over competitors that treat location as unimportant.

Checking work off our to-do list is no longer the objective. What matters the most is delivering quality work that is valued by others. When we place measurable outcomes above corporate traditions, performance becomes sustainable at higher levels and over a longer period of time. This leads to increased productivity, reduced burnout, and greater employee retention.

The question is no longer whether office work is better than remote work – both can be right and both can be wrong – what matters is what is right for the desired outcome.

The most successful companies will consist of people who are intentional about what they are working on, who they need to work with, and where the work should be done. Hybrid is the only work framework that equally benefits people, profits, and the planet.

Hybrid work insists that how we work becomes as much of a tool as where we work. Teams that outperform their competitors using hybrid work share four key pillars: Trust, Alignment, Execution, and Flourishing. These pillars are the foundation on which they become masters of hybrid, leveraging all of the company’s resources to create quality work.

Key Benefits

  1. Shared vision above
    corporate controls
  2. Situational flexibility above
    rigidity and repetitiveness
  3. Meaningful collaboration
    above individual burnout

Foundational Pillars


Trust is the foundation of any hybrid team. Trust that is established over time through effective communication, is the foundation for all team health and performance. Without effective communication, there is no way to build relational trust and create the alignment that is needed to perform. In a hybrid company, everything starts with building trust through frequent communication. Without trust, organizations will revert back to low trust measures of control, instead of empowering their teams to do their best work.


After trust is established through communication, organizations can move towards alignment. This means everyone is rowing in the same direction, in sync with their team members and the company. In a hybrid organization, company alignment is not possible without personal alignment — company goals are intertwined with personal goals. The location of work, schedule of work and compensation for work all require careful consideration, so that they are mutually beneficial for organizations and every one of their team members.


Hybrid teams are anchored in the expectation that everyone on the team is able to articulate the strategy of the organization, and execute against it. The ability to execute against goals is confirmed during the hiring process, reinforced through a complete onboarding program, and grown through mentorship and education. Hybrid organizations have a deeply held belief that flexible working conditions, built on a foundation of execution, have the highest probability of long-term success.


Hybrid cultures are devoted to the long-term health of three areas: People, Profits, and the Planet. People flourish when they alternate between in-person collaboration and individual contribution. Profits flourish when teams are happy and productive over a long-term horizon, creating sustainable value for customers, shareholders, and investors. The planet flourishes when companies optimize their office footprint, in the “how” and “where” of real-time work.

Join us in creating a sustainable future.

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Backed by:

Dan Bladen, CEO at Kadence
Jamie Addis, CTO at Kadence
Charles Strouss, Executive VP at CBRE
Duncan Logan, Founder & CEO at Rocketplace
Eze Vidra, Managing Partner at Remagine Ventures
Harry Morphakis, Technology Consulting at Accenture
Jeff Gwinnett, Senior Director at Softchoice
Jon Howell, Smart Spaces & IoT Lead at HPE Aruba
Kat Kennedy, General Partner at Kickstart Ventures
Kayla Gottschalk, Co-Founder at Collective Inc.

Kayla Gottschalk, Co-Founder at Collective Inc.
Keerti Melkote, Former Co-Founder at Aruba Networks
Neal Piliavin, Former Director of Collaboration at Hubspot
Nick Bloom, Economics Professor at Stanford University
Omar Ramirez, Co-Founder at Collective Inc.
Shaun Ritchie, Former Founder at Teem
Simone Fenton-Jarvis, Chief Workplace Officer at The Human-Centric Workplace
Steve Cockram, Co-Founder at Giant Worldwide

and 199 others...